Thursday, October 28, 2010

Unit 1: The Dimensions of Multicultural Education

Unit 1 Student Objectives:
  1. Discuss and summarize in writing the dimensions of multicultural education.
  2. Describe the importance of goals related to multicultural education.
  3.  Formulate 3-5 creative ideas within which you can apply the equity pedagogy to your classroom and/or clinical instruction.
Unit Reading Requirements:

Banks, J. (2006). Cultural diversity and education: foundations, curriculum, and teaching. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Chapter 1

Unit 1 Assignment:
In this unit we will learn about the dimensions and the goals of multicultural education. Prior to reading the assigned chapter I ask that each student respond to this blog posting and answer the following questions:

  1. What are common methods of instruction that you have experienced as a student that you feel are beneficial and you would like to carry on into your role as an educator.
  2. What are methods of instruction that you have experienced that you feel were detrimental to student learning with relation to culture.
Upon answering  the above stated questions please find one resource (book, website, or research article) demonstrating the importance for multicultural education. Please post a reference using APA guidelines along with your answers to the above questions.

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