Sunday, October 31, 2010

A review of current literature

You have all been doing such a great job, and have been interactive in our discussions. I was impressed at the level of involvement I saw with yesterdays postings regarding the Hispanic case studies. Are you all ready for another challenge? Today we are going to review some current literature-although there are a multitude of articles relating to cultural diversity, I have selected one article that I wish to share (Lowe & Archibald, 2009). You can access the article by holding down the ctrl button on your computer's keyboard and select using left click on your mouse-this will allow the article to open in a new window so that you may review the article.

  1. This article provides great strength in cultural diversity and the overall intention of implementation into the nursing sector. According to Lowe and Archibald (2009) in 1986 for the first time, the American Nurses Association (ANA) issued it's first plan to strengthen cultural diversity in nursing programs. From there great things have transpired. There is a statement made by Lowe and Archibald that I want for you to review and post your thoughts about "The changes in the ethnic and cultural composition of the U.S. population constantly challenge nurses daily to incorporate the diverse needs of their clients into the provision of quality nursing care while facing a shortage of adequate qualified staff to meet these needs" (p. 12).

Once you have read this article, I would like you to reflect on the above quote from Lowe and Archibald. Please share with myself and the rest of your class:
  1. What challenges do you feel exist as a result of the ethnic and cultural composition of our nation's population?
  2. What are some examples of ways that you feel you have incorporated the diverse needs of your clients? Be specific, and please provide examples (share a minimum of one example from your personal practice).
  3. What are some ways that you feel we as healthcare professionals can work to ensure that all staff are adequately trained on the diverse culture of our nation? Please list a minimum of 3 ways you feel we can implement to address this need.
As always, I look forward to reviewing your postings and providing my insight. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Please remember you must have a minimum of 1 citation to support your posting, and it MUST be referenced using the APA Manual.

Lowe, J., & Archibald, C. (2009). Cultural diversity: the intention of nursing. Nursing Forum 44(1), 11-18. Retrieved from

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