Thursday, November 4, 2010

Asian Culture

I hope that everyone has found the additional resources beneficial thus far. Thank you to those of you who have shared additional resources with the class. I have taken the time to review the additional links which were posted, and I have to say you have all found some very valuable resources! I encourage you to compile a list of valuable resources as you go about the nursing program, if you haven't started yet now is the time!!

Today we are going to be learning a little more about the Asian culture. As part of today's lesson we will be reviewing the Transcultural Nursing (2008) sources regarding the Asian community, and completing a case study. I would like each of you to review the following link. First, read through the information regarding the Asian culture, and then if you name starts with A-L please answer case study number 1 and if your last name begins with M-Z please answer case study number 2. Please remember this should be completed before you come to class tomorrow. We will utilize your beginning knowledge from this review of the Asian community, and the case studies as a background for our learning on the Asian culture.

Transcultural Nursing. (2008). Asian community. Retrieved from

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