Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cultural Competence

What a great job you have all done, you make me a very proud instructor! You have all been having very meaningful and well written discussions with one another, what a great way to learn more about cultural diversity and its role in nursing!

Today we are going to discuss the importance of the Cultural Competency and the Culture Competency Continuum. According to the National Center for Cultural Competency (n.d.) " Cultural competence is a developmental process that evolves over an extended period. Both individuals and organizations are at various levels of awareness, knowledge and skills along the cultural competence continuum" (p.1). Before we meet tomorrow I ask that everyone log on to the National Center for Cultural Competency via this link:
Once you are to the self-assessment, please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Once you have completed the self-assessment please post 3-5 sentences about what you have learned from your results. I look forward to reviewing your discussion, and continuing to facilitate your learning process.

Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development. (2004). Welcome to the cultural competence health practitioner assessment. Retrieved from

National Center for Cultural Competency. (n.d.). Conceptual frameworks/models, guiding values and principles. Retrieved from

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